How Our Clothes Affect Our Mind

How Our Clothes Affect Our Mind

The clothes we put on every day tell a story about who we are to the world. Our clothes are the closest thing to our bodies, they're our second skin. Science says that the clothes we wear affect our behavior, attitudes, personality, mood, confidence, and even the way we interact with others.

A growing body of research suggests that there is something biological happening when we put on a snazzy outfit and feel like a new person.

Most people don’t really believe in the sayings such as “dress for the job you want; not the job you have” and “look good, feel good” but the truth is that we try to match our attire to the occasion nevertheless.

Studies show that participants who dressed down had lower hormone levels. However, at the same time, other studies show some fascinating results about those who wore more unique and different styles

It's not news to anyone that we judge others based on their clothes. In general, studies that investigate these judgments find that people prefer clothing that matches expectations—i.e. surgeons in scrubs.

A series of studies published in an article in June 2014 in the Journal of Consumer Research explored observers' reactions to people who broke established norms only slightly. A professor was asked to wear red Converse and it was indicated that the people see these quirky modifications to normal attire as the individual has enough power to risk the potential social costs of such behaviors.

In 2014, car manufacturer Kia took a survey of what makes people feel confident, a few of the things included in the top 10 list for women included: high heels, a little black dress, and designer perfume. For men, the list included: a freshly shaved face, a new suit, and a nice smelling aftershave.

Fashion & Therapy

Therapy is a way to check in with oneself in a non-judgmental space, to work out private thoughts and better understand one's motivations, and is rightly considered an important part of many mental health regimens. The opportunity for regular self-reflection can be crucial for 

living a healthy, examined life

Fashion Therapy, which is the practice of dressing with a purpose, the purpose to express your authentic self, elevates your mood, and promotes a healthy self-image. This type of therapy is also known to produce effervescent feelings. This type of therapy can improve the quality of your life. 

Here Are Some Amazing Ways That Clothing Can Affect Your Mood

1 - Unleash Your Invisible Power
Whether you’re getting ready for a social gathering, romantic night out, or a first
date and you experiencing positive nervousness, jitters, or even questioning whether you look good enough, always remember that the two colors guaranteed to boost your confidence are black and red.

Black is a power color. For many people, it helps bring confidence and fierceness forward. Red, however, truly is the color of love and it does not only make YOU feel more desirable and sexy, but your inner feeling will reflect in the eyes of your romantic interest.

Another thing that will definitely give you an additional helping hand is wearing sexy lingerie under your outfit.  The right undergarments can make you feel like an absolute goddess. You may be the only person who knows what is under the dress, but that secret will make you feel like you own the room and like you are the most appealing woman standing there.

2 - Clothes That Will Motivate You
There might be days when you wake up in the morning not feeling like your strongest self and you will definitely consider skipping your daily workout. If your motivation levels to workout are down, shop around for new gym clothes that can motivate you to wear them and flex those muscles.

Preparing your favorite workout outfit the night before and the sight of great running shoes standing in your hallway will definitely compel you to get out and give it your all.

And you would be surprised how important the color palette is! in fact, a study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that red is the winning color in the sports arena. 

Wearing the right clothes for a yoga session or the gym can motivate you to perform better. If you've bought a new pair of joggers, you'll be waiting for sunrise to hit the running track. Many people make a style statement by the dress they wear to the gym. 

3- Outfits That Will Help You Have things your way
Wearing the right clothes can have a positive influence on things going your way. If you are dressed in a way that makes you feel confident, you can even win an argument. According to research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, your clothing may give you an edge in an argument. This study found that the people who were dressed better routinely outsmarted those who were dressed down. It was even found that men dressed in sweats actually showed lower testosterone levels, which further reduced their aggression. 

4 - They Can Cheer You up
Some people wear clothes that reflect the way they feel, while others wear clothing to change the way they feel, or how they'd like others to perceive how they're feeling. Some people wear clothes that make them look happy, while in reality, they may be feeling down. Also, dressing well may get you compliments, which in turn makes you feel happier. 

Certain clothes even bring back wonderful memories that may be associated with them and that can definitely affect your mood.

5 - Helps In Weight-Loss
If you gained weight and you are looking to lose it, the sight of your old low-waist denim or even a new sexy dress may motivate you to hit the gym and shed those pounds. 

Also, wearing body-con outfits, a figure-hugging pair of pants or even a high-waist belt can remind you to watch what you are eating. 

6 - They Will Make You Look Professional
Certain jobs require their workers to wear certain clothes that conform to a specific dress code. You wouldn't take medical advice seriously from a person dressed like a rock star. But, if the same advice came from a person wearing a white doctor's coat, you'd probably believe them. 

Similarly, you automatically show more respect to a person dressed as a policeman or a firefighter as their duty is to serve and protect our country. To look professional, we often have to wear clothes that reflect our dedication and identity.

Wearing certain clothes instills a sense of responsibility in us. You may be laid back and more relaxed while you're in your jammies at home. But, the moment you wear the dress that your profession demands, you suddenly become more alert and conscious of your identity. This not only causes you to be more serious about your job but also helps you focus better.

It is true that clothes help dampen anxiety, uplift depression, inspire focus, foster ambition, slow anger and achieve calm. If you haven't tried it yet, then you should. The next time you pick an outfit, try to ask yourself - what will make you feel sexier & more confident and do not be afraid to experiment and show your individuality and sense of style to the world!

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